
Call for candidates to the International Geoscience Programme Council

Application deadline: 15 May 2024
PanAfGeo Project 2 - Pointe Noire at the Makola Glacier geosite

The International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) serves as a knowledge hub of UNESCO to facilitate international scientific cooperation in the geosciences. The IGCP mission includes promoting sustainable use of natural resources and advancing new initiatives related to Earth resources, global change, geohazards, hydrogeology, geodynamics, and geoheritage, with an emphasis on capacity building.

Since 1972, the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) has partnered with the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) to bring together thousands of Earth scientists from around the world and allowed them to benefit from the cooperative spirit generated under the umbrella of UNESCO.

The current call concerns four members of the IGCP Council, corresponding to each of the following themes: Global Change, Hydrogeology, Earth Resources, and Geodynamics.

Interested applicants should send the following directly to the IGCP Secretariat (

  • Completed application form and declaration on the respect of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) Statutes, IGCP Operational Guidelines, and a declaration of no conflict of interest.
  • Detailed CV (including a complete publication list and a list of research projects in which the candidate is/has been involved for the last five years).
  • A list of the ten most important publications during the past ten years.
  • A cover letter explaining the motivation and added value of the candidate to the IGCP Council
International Geoscience and Geoparks programme